
The Goody-Naughty Book

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The Goody-Naughty Book was primarily printed as 2 books side by side. Leafing through the pages from the book from one conclusion, the peruser strives “The Goody Side” where the kids are courteous and friendly. Nevertheless, leafing through the book straight up and starting from the other part, one states “The Naughty Side” where the kids are sluggish and crabby. These brief, principled tales educate kids the right way to act correctly and that there are after-effects if they don’t.

The Goody-Naughty Book consists of these chapters: Honor Bright, President; Rose-Red and Ruthie; The Tree Game; Billy Boy’s Magic Key; Polly’s New April Fool; The Three B’s; Teddy’s Helpers; and The Red-Letter Day.

[It was Rose Mary’s mother who named her Rose-Red. Rose-Ready, it was at first, because Rose Mary was always ready to help. Then it became just Rose-Red, for short. Rose-Red had much of the sweetness of her name flower, and few of the thorns. That is why, when Ruthie slapped her, Rose-Red didn’t slap back. But she came home crying. Rose-Red’s mamma gathered her up in her arms and comforted her. “Ruthie’s probably sorry now, dear,” she said. “Perhaps she will tell you so by and by. Will my little girl be Rose-Ready, if she does?” “Rose-Ready for what, mamma?” Rose-Red sat up and dried her eyes. “Rose-Ready-to-Forgive.” Rose-Red nodded. “I think I’ll gather the posies now,” was all she said. Every day Rose-Red cut fresh flowers in the garden and arranged them for the house. It was the one thing in all the world she liked best to do. The roses she always left till the last–“for dessert,” she explained. “Roses, dear,” she said, as she tucked them one by one into their special bowl, “what would you do if your best friend slapped you?” Just then a thorn pricked Rose-Red’s finger. “You’d prick her, would you?” Rose-Red laughed. – From Rose-Red and Ruthie.

Product ID: 9781776743025
Sku: ZX-N8JV-W2H1