
The Story of Scraggles

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This is the story of a little sparrow named Scraggles who was born fragile and very weak. Unlike her brothers and sisters, who, from the moment they were hatched, were very much stronger than her. This made Scraggles think, why is she so frail. Though her mother will give her food every time she cries when she is hungry. When there is food, her siblings would hurriedly eat the worms except for her because they ate her share several times without her mother’s knowledge.

Scraggles is the bird who developed very slow, unlike all other birds, who, in their first weeks, would eventually learn how to fly. Scraggles has no confidence at all and fears that she will not succeed in flying. She tried and tried to fly but she always fails. Her mother would comfort her by telling she could fly, it just takes practice. Her mother also tells her that if she could fly she will be so much happier and flying is so much fun.

Scraggles went struggling and was saved by a human family. They took care of Scraggles, feed her, gave her shelter, made her as a part of the family. Scraggles is the narrator of her own story, a story on how to be healthy and unbreakable. One should believe in one’s self whatever the odds may be. Will Scraggles learn how to fly? Or will she continue to be fragile and very weak? Will she conquer her sickness?

The Story of Scraggles was written by George Wharton James, a famous American lecturer, photographer, journalist, and editor. He was born in England, when he was a young man, he went to the United States and was ordained as a Methodist minister. He served in in the churches of Nevada and Southern California, and he began his hobbies in journalism and in writing, which later become his career.

Product ID: 9781776669080
Sku: Z2-JIN8-S44A