
The History of Lady Julia Mandeville

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To George Mordaunt, Efq;

Belmont- Houfe, July 3, 1762.’


A M indeed, my dear George, the moll happy of human beings ; happy ia the paternal regard of the beft of parents, the fincere efteem of my worthy relations, lord and lady Belmont; and the friendlhip, the tender friendlhip of their lovely daughter, the amiable lady JuFia. An cncrcafc offortune, which you are kind enough to wifli me, might perhaps add fomething to my felicity, but is far from being neceflary to conftitute it, nor did it ever excite in my bofom an anxious wifla. My father, though he educated me to become the mod fplendid fituation, yet inItrudled me to be fatisfied with my own moderate one j he taught me that independence was all a generous mind re- quired ; and that virtue, adorned by that liberal education his unfparing bounty lavilhed on me, would command through life that heart-felt efteem from the worth}’ of every rank, which the mod exorbitant health alone could never procure its pot feffors. Other parents hoard up riches far their children ; mine with a more noble-, more enlightened folicitude, expended his in ftoring my mind with generous lentiments and ufeful knowledge, to which his unbounded goodnefs added every outward accompli(hment that could give grace to virtue, and fee her charms in the faireft light.

Shall I then murmur becaufe I was not born to affluence ? No, believe me, I would •not be the fon of any other than this mofl: excellent of men, to inherit all the ftores v^hich avarice and ambition figh for. I am prouder of a father to whole difcerning wiidom, and generous expanded heart, I am fo obliged, than I fhould be of one whom I was to fucceed in all the titles and poffeflions in the power of fortune to beftow. From him I receive, and learn properly to value, the moft real of all treaiures, independence and content.

Product ID: 9781776748969