
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes

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A collection of yummy recipes which were written for Walter Baker & Co, the original maker of chocolate in the USA.

The word Cocoa, a misrepresentation of Cacao, is nearly internationally utilized in English-language world to nominate the seeds of the little equatorial tree referred to botanists as THEOBROMA CACAO, from which a wide array of measures under the term of cocoa and chocolate for consuming and drinking are created. While the word Chocolatl is almost alike in many European dialects, and is derived from the Mexican word of the drink, Chocolate or Cacahuatl. The Spaniards sought chocolate in widespread application of the Mexicans during the colonization under Cortez in 1519, and it was familiarized into Spain instantly after. The Mexicans not only utilized chocolate as a necessary commodity of food, however they made use of the seeds of the cacao tree as a legal tender.

No exceptional manifestation can be given of the best haste which has been formed in modern times in the enlightenment of nutriments than the unwonted breakthrough in the devouring of cocoa and chocolate in the world. The quantity held for home expenditure in 1860 was just 1,181,054 pounds, approximately 3-5 of an ounce for every person. The quantity held for home expenditure for Dec. 31, 1908, was 93,956,721 pounds, more than 16 ounces for every person.

Maria Parloa was a United States writer of collections on cooking and housekeeping, the formator of two cooking institutions, a notable teacher on areas about food, and a significant early character in the domestic science afterwards called as home economics movement. A culinary developer, she was affably America’s first “celebrity cook”.

Some of her books include: The Appledore Cookbook; Camp Cookery: How to Live in Camp; First Principles of Household Management and Cookery: A Text-Book for Schools and Families; and other similar works.

Product ID: 9781776740154