
The Lady From the Sea

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The Lady From the Sea


(SCENE.—DOCTOR WANGEL’S house, with a large verandah garden in front of and around the house. Under the verandah a flagstaff. In the garden an arbour, with table and chairs. Hedge, with small gate at the back. Beyond, a road along the seashore. An avenue of trees along the road. Between the trees are seen the fjord, high mountain ranges and peaks. A warm and brilliantly clear summer morning. BALLESTED, middle-aged, wearing an old velvet jacket, and a broad-brimmed artist’s hat, stands under the flagstaff, arranging the ropes. The flag is lying on the ground. A little way from him is an easel, with an outspread canvas. By the easel on a camp-stool, brushes, a palette, and box of colours. BOLETTE WANGEL comes from the room opening on the verandah. She carries a large vase with flowers, which she puts down on the table.)

Bolette. Well, Ballested, does it work smoothly? Ballested. Certainly, Miss Bolette, that’s easy enough. May I ask—do you expect any visitors today? Bolette. Yes, we’re expecting Mr. Arnholm this morning. He got to town in the night. Ballested. Arnholm? Wait a minute—wasn’t Arnholm the man who was tutor here several years ago? Bolette. Yes, it is he. Ballested. Oh, really! Is he coming into these parts again? Bolette. That’s why we want to have the flag up. Ballested. Well, that’s reasonable enough. (BOLETTE goes into the room again. A little after LYNGSTRAND enters from the road and stands still, interested by the easel and painting gear. He is a slender youth, poorly but carefully dressed, and looks delicate.)

Product ID: 9781776753451
Sku: 9781776753451