Audio Books


East by West: a Journey in the Recess



About 20 years after the American Civil War and the end of Japanese isolationism, Henry Lucy, one of the most distinguished and influential journalists of the time, set out to travel through the USA, Japan and India, on what would be a lengthy and eventful voyage taken together with his wife. Lucy outlines many of the details of this journey in the book entitled East by West: A Journey in the Recess – which quickly became a best-seller of the time, and continues to be considered a very valuable historical account, particularly of the development of Japan and the United States right before the turn of the century.

Lucy’s methodical style introduces numerous invaluable details that are lengthily described to paint a clear picture not only of the journey itself, but of the political, economic and social developments of the areas he was traveling through. The author’s remarkable power of observations is easy to recognize through this book, in which he covers the full length of the journey with his wife, including the lengthy crossing of the Pacific Ocean by steamer.

This work was written in a time when the parliament was in recess, and the Japanese were experiencing an impressive period of growth and prosperity. The story of the journey itself is presented in detail, but with many pauses introduced by Lucy at opportune times, in order to explain important elements of events and choices that would impact the voyage. Also, Lucy offers extensive information on the background of virtually each person of importance that they meet on the way.

Henry Lucy’s description of an era long gone by carries with it an incredibly amount of historical value. If you are interested in the history of the orient and the perspective of a foreigner when it comes to the development of the USA after the Civil War, East by West is without a doubt one of the first books you should read.
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