An entertaining sight at primordial events in the Bible from the outlook of an individual who was present during those times to observe many of those occurrences: the first man in documented history.
The Autobiography of Methuselah consists of: I am Born and Named; Early Influences; Some Reminiscences of Adam; Grandmother Eve; Some Notes on Cain and Abel; He Confesses to Being a Poet; The International Marine and Zoo Flotation Company; On the Extinction of the Mastodon; and As to Women.
John Kendrick Bangs was an American novelist, humorist, editor and satirist. He was born in Yonkers, New York. His father Francis Nehemiah Bangs was an attorney in New York City, as well as his brother, Francis S. Bangs.
He studied at Columbia College and he came to be the editor of Columbia’s literary publication, Acta Columbia, and wrote short stories as an unknown author to entertainment periodicals. He graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Philosophy and Political Science, John attended Columbia Law School but exited to be an Associate Editor of Life under Edward S. Martin. John wrote a number of articles and verses to the periodical. He also issued his first novels.
Then, John quit working to Life to become a writer at Harper’s Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar and Harper’s Young People, although he remained to write for Life. After such, he maintained the designation of Editor of the Departments of Humor for all three Harper’s publications and he became an active editor of Harper’s Weekly. John also worked for a moment as the first editor of Munsey’s Magazine and happened to be the editor of the American edition of the Harper-owned Literature.
John later contended for the office of mayor of Yonkers, New York, but was unsuccessful. He also became a member of the Board of Education in Yonkers.
He departed Harper & Brothers and came to be an editor of the New Metropolitan magazine.
Product ID: 9781776728091
Sku: OE-C9V6-FA7W