
The Anti-Coup

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The Anti-Coup

Supporters of political democracy, human rights, and social justice
have good reasons to be alarmed about coups d’etat. These abrupt
seizures of the state apparatus have occurred with great frequency
in recent decades. Coups have overthrown established constitutional
democratic systems of government, halted movements toward
greater democracy, and have imposed brutal and oppressive regimes.
Coups d’etat are one of the main ways in which new dictatorships
are established. Coups may also precipitate civil wars and interna-
tional crises. Coups remain a major unsolved defense problem.

A coup d’etat is a rapid seizure of physical and political con-
trol of the state apparatus by illegal action of a conspiratorial group
backed by the threat or use of violence. The members of the previ-
ous government are deposed against their will. Initially the coup
group rapidly occupies the centers of command, decision-making,
and administration, replacing the previous chief executive and top
officials with persons (military or civilian) of their choice. Eventu-
ally they gain control of the whole state apparatus. Successful coups
are usually completed quickly, at most within forty-eight hours.

Coups d’etat have taken place in dozens of countries in nearly
every region of the world in recent decades, including in Thailand,
Burma, the Philippines, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Ghana, Liberia,
Chile, Fiji, Greece, Libya, Laos, Guatemala, Argentina, Grenada,
Poland, and the Soviet Union.

Product ID: 9781776816590
Sku: 9781776816590